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Falsehoods Corrected (January 22nd, 1868)
>From The Herald and Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: Republication of material from the Baltimore American regarding false reports by "some scribbler for the Herald." A planter of Prince Edward Co., Virginia objected to the reporting that people of that county and other "Southside" Virginia counties anticipated insurrections and other acts of violence by freedmen at Christmas. The planter says this was absolutely false and that friendship existed among blacks and whites there. There was less drinking and better behavior than on previous occasions. Liberal contracts for farm labor in 1868 have been drawn up with the freedmen and it is hoped that there will be no interference from politicians and others. The Baltimore American states that the false information had been published in the Gazette, the Sun and other Democratic papers in Baltimore. Now it remains to be seen whether those papers will correct the misinformation.
Full Details"Balaam's Animal" on a Bray (January 23rd, 1868)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: This paper calls "American Sentinel" "the Chinese stink-pot of Carroll county Radicalism" - Republican paper notes that current Carroll Co. clerk of the court (John Brooke Boyle) has chosen his son as deputy - son went South during war - "Democratic Advocate" maintains it was more honorable to fight for what he believed than not to fight at all
Full DetailsThe Result (January 23rd, 1868)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: Carroll County Republicans celebrating the defeat of Governor Swann in balloting for senator
Full DetailsThe Campaign (January 23rd, 1868)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: Paper predicts the upcoming campaign will be most exciting the country has ever witnessed - says lots of work to be done - urges Democrats who read this paper should help increase circulation -
Full DetailsNew Bounties (January 23rd, 1868)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: Both the state and national governments give "intimation" that the "interests of the Soldier and Sailor" not to be ignored - paper draws attention to advertisement of Wm. Hill of Baltimore who has devoted much time to collection of claims - ads by Wm. Hill have appeared in this paper for several years (estimated)
Full DetailsNegro Morality (January 23rd, 1868)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: Paper says "Let every Republican voter in Carroll County who has a mother, daughter, or sister read the article entitled "Negro Morality" - article printed is very derogatory to Negroes
Full Details[Bounty ads] (January 23rd, 1868)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: Several ads for bounty collection - one ad offers to help owners of enlisted slaves collect - advertiser is Thomas Timmons & Co. of Baltimore
Full DetailsPhotographs of Soldiers - Their Preservation in the Dead Letter Office (January 29th, 1868)
>From The Herald and Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: Customarily, dead letters are discarded at the end of each year, but the Postmaster General has made a selection of soldiers' and sailors' letters, especially ones that include pictures, and published the names so that someone may hopefully claim them. The paper published a list of these letters, to whom they were addressed in Maryland and the name of the sender. Applications for the letters can be sent to the Third Assistant Postmaster, Washington, D.C. and the sender should indicate what was enclosed, etc.
Full DetailsThe Hon. William P. Maulsby… (January 29th, 1868)
>From The Herald and Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: "The Hon. William P. Maulsby, of Frederick, is spoken of as the next Democratic candidate for Congress in the 4th district. The election of Mr. Hamilton to the U. S. Senate pretty effectually shuts out all Washington County aspirants for Congressional honors so that Mr. P. will have nothing to fear from this quarter."
Full DetailsCall for a State Convention (January 29th, 1868)
>From The Herald and Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: The Republican State Central Committee of Maryland has passed a series of resolutions calling for a state convention to be held in Baltimore on March 6th. Prior to that, the counties must select delegates for the convention in the same number as they are represented in the General Assembly of the state. Delegates must also be chosen for the National Convention in Chicago in May at which the Republican Party will nominate candidates for President and Vice-President. Instructions are given for the number of delegates.
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