This page will provide users who are particularly interested in the African American timeline leading up to the Civil War, through the Civil War, and the Reconstruction period to 1876. The Research Guide will serve as an index to connect readers with material relating the African American experience, providing links to content locations throughout the website. Available content includes essays; searchable databases including Freedmen’s Bureau school records, newspaper articles, and first-person accounts (letters, diaries, etc.); images; documents; videos; and audio. Links are also provided for relevant archival collections and historic sites.

Discover the Story
There are several essays that cover topics about African American life and history during the Civil War era. These essays include the following:

Newspaper Articles
To view newspaper articles related to African American life and history during the Civil War era, you can click on the link below. You can also visit the Historic Newspapers page and filter articles by Subject > African Americans using the filter tool.

Civil War Soldiers
To view details on African American Civil War solders, you can click on the link below. You can also visit the Civil War Soldiers page and filter Race by African-American using the filter tool.

Firsthand Accounts
To view firsthand accounts related to African American life and history during the Civil War era, you can click on the link below. You can also visit the Firsthand Accounts page and filter accounts by Subject > African American using the filter tool.

African American Historic Places
View sites in mid-Maryland and the surrounding area that are related to Civil War-era African American history. See entries at the link below.

To view galleries related to African American life and history during the Civil War era, select a link from the list below.