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Fall In! Fall In! (February 8th, 1866)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: The true purpose of the Civil War was the "elevation" of African Americans as nothing is being done at the national level to restore Union, where all efforts are directed toward the benefit of African Americans
Full DetailsNiggerism (February 8th, 1866)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: In light of the federal government’s efforts to enfranchise African Americans, the author declares that white men must “organize for self-defense”
Full DetailsFanaticism (February 15th, 1866)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: The author says that those who now support African American suffrage and equality were slow to come to this viewpoint, but now are "on the bandwagon" and "will continue to worship at the footstool of Radicalism"
Full DetailsMass Meeting (March 2nd, 1866)
>From The Republican Citizen; Frederick, MD
Summary: Proceedings of a meeting in Frederick to endorse the reconstruction policies of President Johnson. Resolutions included immediate restoration of political rights to the white South and opposition to Negro suffrage.
Full DetailsThe Freedmen's Bureau (March 8th, 1866)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: President Johnson vetoed a bill that would have extended the Freedmen’s Bureau
Full DetailsFanatics (March 8th, 1866)
>From The American Sentinel; Westminster, MD
Summary: The Sentinel criticizes the Democrats' hostility to "Negro equality" given the widespread evidence of racial mixing between "the chivalry" of the South and their colored people..
Full DetailsRobberies (March 9th, 1866)
>From The Republican Citizen; Frederick, MD
Summary: Several robberies have occurred in and around Frederick and the Republican Citizen believes that they are the work of freedmen, many of whom are "living in idleness."
Full Details"Copperhead Endorsement" (March 16th, 1866)
>From The Republican Citizen; Frederick, MD
Summary: The Republican Citizen attacks the Frederick Examiner for its support of the Radicals in Congress, especially Stevens and "that other loathsome negro-worshipper Sumner."
Full DetailsAnother Veto (March 30th, 1866)
>From The Republican Citizen; Frederick, MD
Summary: The Republican Citizen praises President Johnson for vetoing the Civil Rights Bill and thereby denying Negroes the rights of citizenship.
Full DetailsThe African Race (April 19th, 1866)
>From The Democratic Advocate; Westminster, MD
Summary: The editor regards whites and African Americans as in an “antagonistic position” and predicts that the only outcome of efforts to elevate African Americans will be to aggravate white Southerners
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