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6 Cents Reward! (January 11th, 1865)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Geo. F. Gallion, residing about 2 miles south of Frederick, advertises a six-cent reward for finding and returning a runaway indented Negro boy named Edward Brown. He ran away on the 25th ultimo and was indentured to do farming. Persons are warned against harboring him.
Full DetailsA Loyal Duty Neglected (February 16th, 1865)
>From The Western Maryland Democrat; Westminster, MD
Summary: A group of local African Americans traveled to Baltimore to enlist, but returned home instead; the editor questions why local white men do not raise a company of African Americans
Full DetailsThe Explanation (February 23rd, 1865)
>From The Western Maryland Democrat; Westminster, MD
Summary: The feud between Joseph Shaw, the editor, and Col. Wm. A. McKellip is explained, including their differing attitudes towards African Americans
Full DetailsFirst Wedding Under the New Constitution (March 10th, 1865)
>From The Valley Register; Middletown, MD
Summary: Rev. Dr. Strobel united an African - American couple in marriage in Frederick County. Harry Brooks who lived in the family of John Herring married Mary Ann Thomas. They are the first couple to marry under the new constitution.
Full DetailsReckless Shooting (March 15th, 1865)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Last Saturday, a drunken soldier fired four shots at Wm. Brown, a negro driving a cart on North Market Street. All of the shots missed their mark and Brown escaped unhurt.
Full DetailsRobbery (March 22nd, 1865)
>From The Herald and Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: The home of Mrs. George House, a negro, was robbed recently by three men dressed as U.S. soldiers. Such “petty larcenies” are becoming more common.
Full DetailsLegal Disabilities of the Colored Population (April 13th, 1865)
>From The Western Maryland Democrat; Westminster, MD
Summary: African Americans are now allowed to own dogs and guns, navigate vessels and immigrate into Maryland
Full Details6 Cents Reward! (May 10th, 1865)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Notice: Samuel Cronise advertises for the return of a colored boy "bound to the farming business." The reward for his return is six cents. Persons are warned not to harbor or employ the boy as the law will be enforced against them.
Full DetailsRowdyism (June 14th, 1865)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Last Wednesday night a group of drunken men, thought to be discharged soldiers, attacked a negro man who was returning from a fair with a container of ice cream. They not only smashed the container, but struck the man, causing a cut to his head
Full DetailsFifty Cents Reward (June 28th, 1865)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Notice: A fifty cents reward is offered by Wm. H. Hilleary of the Petersville District for the return of Evan Gaither, a negro boy who ran away from him on June 5. The boy was bound to the subscriber for a period of years.
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