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County Convention (February 24th, 1864)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: The County Convention of the Unconditional Union party supports emancipation without compensation and opposes an apprentice system as simply a perpetuation of slavery.
Full DetailsHeadquarters for Recruiting Colored Troops (March 2nd, 1864)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Notice: "sound colored men, bond or free," are eligible for recruitment. $300 bounty for freemen, $100 for slaves, $100 to masters, plus $300 more for "loyal" masters.
Full DetailsStampede of Slaves (March 11th, 1864)
>From The Valley Register; Middletown, MD
Summary: A number of local slaves have run away from their owners recently, including two owned by Dewalt Williard who lives near Broad Run, three belonging to the estate of the late Abraham Williard, and several others belonging to various owners in the same vicinity.
Full DetailsCheap Slave Property (March 11th, 1864)
>From The Valley Register; Middletown, MD
Summary: At a recent auction held at Frederick, four “slaves for life” were sold cheaply.
Full DetailsFor Hire! (March 21st, 1864)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Advertisement: For the hiring of "a colored boy" to "good home in the country." Terms will be moderate. Apply to Wm. Stokes
Full DetailsEnrollment of Slaves (March 23rd, 1864)
>From The Herald of Freedom & Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: Pursuant to an order from Capt. James Smith, Provost Marshal of the Fourth District of Maryland, the slaves of Washington Co. have been enrolled. Since the war, many slaves have run away and the owners don't know their whereabouts. Alfred Barber, enrolling officer of the sub-district including Hagerstown, says a total of 23 slaves are subject to do military duty - 18 are Class 1 and 5 are Class 2.
Full DetailsBounty for Colored Troops (April 20th, 1864)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Most of the colored troops mustered in MD have not been paid their bounties because of county commissioners' ignorance or indifference. Frederick Co. is willing but has not received the muster rolls.
Full DetailsPublic Sale (April 20th, 1864)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Advertisement of public sale of property of William Pearre, Sr., near Sugar Loaf Mt, including 26 slaves.
Full DetailsGovernor Bradford (April 27th, 1864)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Governor Bradford arrived in Frederick en route to Sharpsburg, on business related to the Antietam cemetery and the impressment of Negroes into the US Army.
Full DetailsThe Draft (May 20th, 1864)
>From The Valley Register; Middletown, MD
Summary: The draft in this Congressional District began last Thursday. No draft will be conducted in the Frederick District since its quota was filled by “negro substitutes” furnished by a Baltimorean for $100 each.
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