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Public Sale (July 30th, 1862)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Advertisement: Wm. B. Tabler, auctioneer, will sell two African American females at the Frederick County jail. Both are slaves for life. One is about 36 and the other about 17(?), both good workers.
Full DetailsRebel Impudence (August 13th, 1862)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Criticism of rebel females in Frederick who publicly insult Federal soldiers, citing a "she-rebel" who avoided passing near an officer and walking under a US flag.
Full Details6 Cents Reward (August 27th, 1862)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Notice: Henry Pampell of the Union Iron Works posts notice of a reward for 2 boys who ran away from that company. Lewis Johnson was an African American bound to do "labouring work," and Peter C. Cramer, a white boy bound to the "moulding business." Persons are warned against trusting or harboring the boys as the law will be strictly enforced against anyone who does. The reward of six cents will be given but "no thanks" for the return.
Full DetailsWanted to Hire (August 27th, 1862)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Notice: Wanted to hire by the month or year - a middle-aged slave woman from the country to cook, wash, and iron for a small family. A comfortable home and good wages are offered.
Full DetailsRunaways (September 3rd, 1862)
>From The Herald of Freedom & Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: Notice by Sheriff Gantz to the owners of 5 runaway slaves who have been jailed in Washington County: William Williams, Faun Williams, Betty Fette, Estetta Williams, James R. Williams; owners Fanny Myers and Id Gray of Hampshire Co. VA
Full Details$1 Reward (October 15th, 1862)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Notice: Robert W. Nelson offers a $1 reward for a runaway apprenticed servant named Warner Clark. He warns people about harboring Clark and asks for his return.
Full DetailsThree Cents Reward! (October 22nd, 1862)
>From The Herald of Freedom & Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD
Summary: Notice. M.H. Miller, near Hagerstown, offers 3 cent reward for return of his runaway mulatto apprentice, William Hopewell.
Full Details$1 Reward (November 12th, 1862)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Advertisement: Robert Nelson, near Walkersville, seeks the return of his runaway apprenticed servant, a colored boy, named Warner Clark.
Full Details3 Cent Reward (November 21st, 1862)
>From The American Sentinel; Westminster, MD
Summary: Joseph McKinstry of E offers reward for return of runaway mulatto boy, William A. Lewis.
Full DetailsPublic Sale (December 3rd, 1862)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD
Summary: Notice: Hanson Clemson, executor of Mary Clemson, late of Frederick County, will sell a Negro man at public auction, not to be sold out of Maryland..
Full Details