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For the Examiner…


Letter to the editor from Hanson B. Friend, a soldier in Co. H, 3rd Maryland Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade. He discusses an article which appeared in the Maryland Union saying that Col. Creager has sworn in Negro recruits against their wishes. Friend says that is false. He works at Col. Creager's headquarters and has seen things for himself. A few Negroes have been scared or hired by their masters, but the vast majority have been perfectly willing to go into the service and "express more enthusiasm than I have ever seen..." Col. Creager is following Orders 329 and has the proper authority to do his work. Friend says he thinks it very important that Union papers tell the truth and if they do not tell the truth, it is his duty to "anything which interferes with the military."

Article Source

Newspaper: The Frederick Examiner

Publication Date: January 6th, 1864

Page/Column: 2D

Town: Frederick, MD

County: Frederick


  • African Americans
  • Battles / Military


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