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Servants for Sale (April 11th, 1860)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD

Summary: Advertisement: Servant woman and her male child offered at private sale. Slaves for life. "Not to be sold out of state."

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Negroes, Negroes (April 11th, 1860)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD

Summary: Advertisement: Baltimore man advertises he is purchasing slaves or providing a place for their "safekeeping." Henry Fairbanks is the purchaser. There is an agent in Frederick at the City Hotel.

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Sheriff's Sale (May 3rd, 1860)
>From The Carroll County Democrat; Westminster, MD

Summary: Emanuel N. Troop, a 16 year old African American boy, will be sold as a slave for five years service on the order of Madison Nelson of the Circuit Court for Carroll County

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Fugitive Slave Case (May 4th, 1860)
>From The Valley Register; Middletown, MD

Summary: 2 runaway slaves from Liberty were caught in NY and are being sent back to their owners in Liberty, Frederick Co. The slaves' names were Allen Graf and Josiah Hay and they belonged to Absalom Cline and Charles A. Lawrence who live near Liberty. They ran away on the 14th.

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For Sale (May 9th, 1860)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD

Summary: Advertisement: An 18-year-old servant girl with one child (slave for life) for sale - offered with or without child. Good cook, washer, ironer.

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Surrender of Fugitive Slaves (May 9th, 1860)
>From The Frederick Examiner; Frederick, MD

Summary: 2 runaway slaves owned by Absalom Cline and Charles A. Lawrence of Frederick County were caught in New York City and returned. Their arrest and rendition were accomplished before the "freedom shriekers" were aware of the circumstances and it was too late to interfere.

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Trustee's Sale (May 15th, 1860)
>From The Frederick Herald; Frederick, MD

Summary: Advertisement: auction of property of Henry Duvall, insolvent debtor, including one male slave and "Servants House"

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Public Sale (May 15th, 1860)
>From The Frederick Herald; Frederick, MD

Summary: Advertisement: auction of property of Valentine Adams, deceased, including nine slaves ranging in age from 30 to 4

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Valuable Servants at Private Sale (May 15th, 1860)
>From The Frederick Herald; Frederick, MD

Summary: Advertisement: private sale of 7 slaves for sale, boys for farming and girls for house work; Wm. B. Tabler, agent, Frederick

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Rendition of Two Fugitive Slaves from Maryland (May 16th, 1860)
>From The Herald of Freedom & Torch Light; Hagerstown, MD

Summary: Two fugitive slaves, Allen Graff and Josiah Hay, who are owned by Absalom Cline and Charles Augustus Lawrence of Frederick County, were arrested recently. After hearing testimony, the commissioner issued warrants for the rendition of the slaves back to Maryland.

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