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Christina (Teany) Watson, testimony
September 17, 1862; 1915
"XII The Slave Woman at the Tavern1 I WAS the cook at Delaney’s Tavern hyar in Sharpsburg when the battle was fought. That was a big time, yes, a big time, and I never want to see no such time...
Full DetailsHilary Watson, testimony
September 17, 1862; 1915
"XI The Slave Foreman1 WELL, sir, if I live to see the first day of May, I’ll be eighty-one years old. I was thirty when the battle of Antietam was fought. My home hyar in Sharpsburg is only about two...
Full DetailsD. G. Swain, letter
October 20, 1869
"Bureau R.F. and A.L. Office Supt. Education, D.C. &c Washington, Oct. 20th 1869. Furguson Mr. Samuel H. Sharpsburg, Md. Dear Sir: Are you ready for a teacher? I can send you a colored lady, and expect you to get up...
Full DetailsSamuel Ferguson, letter
November 29, 1869
"Sharpsburg, Nove the 29 1869 Mr D. G. Swaim Dear Sir I resived your letter on the November the 26 1869 as did not get it before I was [goom?g?] When I came home I was your letter was handed...
Full DetailsSamuel Ferguson, letter
May 8, 1869
"Sharpsburg May 8th [18]69 Capt Brubaker Dear Sir We want a school in our place very badly & would like to have a teacher if you can procure one for us by the first of next month please let us...
Full DetailsCatherine Susannah Thomas Markell, diary
May 23, 1861
“Mr. Knott, his wife, son and daughter with Miss Lucy Boteler accompanied my husband and self to Harper’s Ferry. When ascending Bolivar Heights an officer in uniform overtook us and entered into conversation with Mr. Knott who was on horseback...
Full DetailsMillie [Savilla] Miller, letter
May 1862
"[Letter from Millie [Savilla?] with the last page written upside down in the top margin of the first page and over the first page text at a 90 degree angle. Also there is a large faded patch on each page...
Full DetailsSamuel Ferguson, letter
May 18, 1869
"May 18./.69 Sharpsburg Washington County Sir your letter stating that if we could raise 30 dollars and pay his Board I am washing that you would send us a Colord man to teach we have got a place to Board...
Full DetailsJ. C. Brubaker, letter
March 28, 1868
"Harpers Ferry March 28th 1868. Dear Sir: I have just returned from Sharpsburg and Boonsboro. I have arranged for the teacher you mentioned to go to Sharpsburg. The colored people are very anxious to have the school opened and from...
Full DetailsSamuel Ferguson, letter
June 21, 1869
"June the 21 1869 Dear Sir youres of the 13 may was received with much plesher infourming aus that you wood give aus a teacher the 18 of June we were All readey to receive hiem but we were disapointed...
Full Details