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James H. Clark, memoir

in reference to September 1862

“The men reached there nearly crazy with thirst, and had been wondering in vain, how and where water could be procured. The stars and stripes displayed from a window, suddenly attracted our attention and all quickly forgot the agonies of thirst; for it was an unusual thing to behold the American flag hung out in those parts. A nearer approach enabled us to see the flag, supported by a noble-looking lady and her two daughters.
It was refreshing to our hearts, to behold such a sublime exhibition of loyalty in that region of midnight darkness, during the blackest hour. The ladies declared their determination to stand by that flag, and would let it wave if Stonewall Jackson himself came along. As each company approached the flag, heads were uncovered, and one continued huzza rent the air, until the last of the 12,000 had marched by. The old lady took the last morsel of bread in the house and gave it to the soldiers as an offering to her bleeding country. The young ladies went half a mile with two pails each, and brought pure cold water, which might have flowed from a crystal fountain. "God bless you ladies," and "Heaven protect you," were the words last spoken by the soldiers; and away in the distance, the resplendent folds of the old flag could still be seen, floating in triumph.”


Name: James H. Clark

Unit: 115th Regiment New York Volunteers, Co. H

Document Information

Type: Memoir


  • Civilian Support for the Union

Event Location: Sandy Hook, Washington Co., MD

Document Origin: NA


Clark, James H. The Iron Hearted Regiment: Being an Account of the Battles, Marches and Gallant Deeds Performed by the 115th Regiment N. Y. Vols. Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1865, 26-7.

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