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Robert Henry Campbell, letter

June 3, 1861

“Our Company left Martinsburg… All of the Citizens were very sorry to see us leave. They say that if they are going to station a Company in Martinsburg, that they want us to come back. They say that we are the most gentlemanly set of men that they have seen, and that they would rather have us there than to have their own town Company.”


Name: Robert Henry Campbell

Unit: 27th Regiment Virginia (“Rockbridge Rifles”) Infantry, Co. H

Document Information

Type: Letter


  • Civilian Support for the Confederacy

Event Location: Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., WV

Document Origin: Harpers Ferry, Jefferson Co., WV


Robert Henry Campbell to his mother. June 3, 1861. From the Campbell-Varner family papers, VMI Archives Manuscript #0282. Obtained from Accessed on February 8, 2010.

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