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Henry Brown, letter

October 20, 1862

The soldiers are under “strict orders not to leave camp without a pass. Cavalry patrols were sent out on all the roads to pick up soldiers that strayed away from camp and were sent to Harpers Ferry to work upon the entrenchments. It scared the boys so they are very shy about leaving camp.” But Brown sneaks away from camp, and goes to nearby Brownsville. “It is the greatest place for nuts that I ever saw… I get apples, butternuts, chestnuts and black walnuts. There are sites of pigeon grapes. They are very nice and sweet. The valley is composed of small farms of very fertile soil.”


Name: Henry Brown

Unit: 21st Massachusetts Volunteer Militia

Document Information

Type: Letter


  • Descriptions of Locale
  • Soldier Life/Camp Life

Event Location: Sharpsburg, Washington Co., MD

Document Origin: Brownsville, Washington Co., MD


Henry Brown to parents. October 20, 1862. Letters are the property of John Proctor and Henry Brown, All Rights Reserved, © 1995 - 2006, eSpd ®.

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