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Stephen H., Jr. Bogardus, letter

June 5, 1863

“…to relieve the monotony of camp life I concluded to visit the old battleground of Antietam; so leaving the City Hotel [in Frederick City] early in the morning I started for that memorable spot. The day was pleasant and the scenery fine. The road winds through the most beautiful portion of Maryland. We pass South Mountain with different feelings from those that animated our breasts on our first passage. South Mountain Gap has been described by several writers and as we were not actively engaged I will not trouble your readers with a repetition of its beauties. If the artist wishes a view of American scenery the wild gorges, narrow ravines, and precipitous sides of this range of mountains, which I believe are a branch of the Cumberland would furnish him with a subject, which, faithfully recreated, could not be surpassed.”


Name: Stephen H., Jr. Bogardus

Unit: Purnell's Maryland Legion, Co. H

Document Information

Type: Letter


  • Descriptions of Locale
  • Soldier Life/Camp Life

Event Location: South Mountain, Washington Co., MD

Document Origin: Sharpsburg, Washington Co., MD


Stephen H. Bogardus, Jr. volunteered his services to the state of New York after attending a rally that was advertised in the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle in 1861 - shortly after the beginning of the Civil War.


Stephen H. Bogardus to The Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle. June 5, 1863. Joel Gregory Craig, ed. Dear Eagle: The Civil War Correspondence of Stephen H. Bogardus, Jr.. Wake Forest: Sojourner Publishing, Inc., 2004.

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