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Stephen H., Jr. Bogardus, letter

January 31, 1863

“[Frederick] city, which contains about 8,000 inhabitants, was the great hospital for the wounded of Antietam. The United States Hotel, and the principal churches and public buildings, were turned into hospitals… When we first came here the streets, on a pleasant afternoon, were filled with convalescent wounded soldiers.”


Name: Stephen H., Jr. Bogardus

Unit: Purnell's Maryland Legion, Co. H

Document Information

Type: Letter


  • Hospitals/Medical Care

Event Location: Frederick City, Frederick Co., MD

Document Origin: Frederick City, Frederick Co., MD


Stephen H. Bogardus, Jr. volunteered his services to the state of New York after attending a rally that was advertised in the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle in 1861 - shortly after the beginning of the Civil War.


Stephen H. Bogardus to The Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle. January 31, 1863. Joel Gregory Craig, ed. Dear Eagle: The Civil War Correspondence of Stephen H. Bogardus, Jr.. Wake Forest: Sojourner Publishing, Inc., 2004.

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