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Stephen H., Jr. Bogardus, letter

January 31, 1863

“Last week a number of rebels were sent away from the hospital to Baltimore, having been paroled. They had been wounded and captured at South Mountain and Antietam. They came ragged and dirty - but they left [Frederick City] in new uniforms, furnished by their friends and sympathizers in the city. I have myself seen finely dressed ladies with their arms full of clothing for the wounded rebels.”


Name: Stephen H., Jr. Bogardus

Unit: Purnell's Maryland Legion, Co. H

Document Information

Type: Letter


  • Civilian Support for the Confederacy

Event Location: Frederick City, Frederick Co., MD

Document Origin: Frederick City, Frederick Co., MD


Stephen H. Bogardus, Jr. volunteered his services to the state of New York after attending a rally that was advertised in the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle in 1861 - shortly after the beginning of the Civil War.


Stephen H. Bogardus to The Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle. January 31, 1863. Joel Gregory Craig, ed. Dear Eagle: The Civil War Correspondence of Stephen H. Bogardus, Jr.. Wake Forest: Sojourner Publishing, Inc., 2004.

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