Antietam and South Mountain Maps
Prepared by Bvt. Brig. Genl. N. Michler, Major of Engineers, from surveys under his direction, by order of Brig. Genl. & Bvt. Maj. Genl. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, and under the authority of the hon. Secretary of War. Surveyed & drawn by Maj: J. E. Weyss, assisted by F. Theilkuhl, J. Strasser & G. Thompson. Michler, N. 1827-1881. (Nathaniel) Photo-lith. by the N.Y. Lithographing, Engraving & Printing Co., Julius Bien, Supt., 1867. Library of Congress

Antietam and South Mountain Maps
Antietam Sharpsburg and Vicinity
Constructed and engraved to illustrate “The war with the South” [Compiled by Charles Sholl] Engd. by Rae Smith. Sholl, Charles. New York, c1864. Library of Congress

Antietam and South Mountain Maps
Map of the Battlefield of Antietam
Prepared by Lieut. Wm. H. Willcox, Top. Off. & A.A.D.C. on Brig. Genl. Doubleday’s staff. [Sept. 17, 1862]. Willcox, William H. Philada., Lith. of P. S. Duval & Son, [1862]. Library of Congress

Antietam and South Mountain Maps
Map of Antietam National Cemetery at Sharpsburg, Maryland
Designed by A. A. Biggs, M. D., President & Genl. Supt., Sharpsburg, 1866. Surveyed and drawn by Chas. P. Kahler, C. E., Baltimore. Kahler, Charles P. Balto., Lith. by A. Hoen & Co., 1867. Library of Congress

Antietam and South Mountain Maps
South Mountain showing the positions of the forces of the United States and the enemy during the battle fought by the Army of the Potomac under the command of Major General G. B. McClellan, Sept. 14th 1862
Prepared in the Bureau of Topographical Engineers. 1872. Library of Congress

Antietam and South Mountain Maps
The Field of Antietam
Wells, Jacob. 1886. Library of Congress